NEARly Relieved?

Woodward Forest-Lich
4 min readOct 19, 2022

Pressure makes diamonds, not hugs. — Chris Rock, “Tambourine”

Being me isn’t the hardest thing in the world, I more than most have been among the first to say it. I’m a first generation American male living in the southern states… very little in my day truly qualifies as “shitty”. This doesn’t stop me from standing on the promontory and cursing the gods on a daily basis, though. Bear in mind this would all be done internally, but done all the same. Increasing traffic congestion every day in my city is among the small, insignificant details I should overlook but am too over-analytical and petty to forgive. The painful heat, suffocating humidity, and a handful of other things compound the discomfort of it all. Again, totally aware of the fact that people pay good money to be where I am and work their whole lives to have what I likely take for granted.

Then again it’s not been wildly simple. Granted a lot of these pains may be artificial manifestations of an overactive mind playing, scenarios that may never come to pass. But they’re a pain to me. In some other instances, I find myself pained by choices I make and choose to (ideally) weather it with indomitable fortitude. I find chips and cracks either during or after the fact, which makes me circle back around to the mental discomfort striking the iron while it’s brittle. All this is mostly internal. We have yet to even begin to cover the external daily ones that cut and cleave in fractions like scalpels. While it doesn’t become critical, the wear and tear can almost be felt some mornings at 5 AM when I arise. Sometimes, on top of that, large problems erupt and take a haymaker to my solar plexus.

Today I nigh stroked out. My long term NoOnes in the crowd will recall, I barely had much time to keep updated on things due to personal interferences from the real world. In that time I missed an important update, within which the lion share of my crypto resources were locked behind. I will not bore you by enumerating the vast quantity of reasons why I screwed up, regardless of whatever was in front of me that swayed my attention. It’s on me, let that be clear. I don’t want the rest of whatever this becomes to turn into some misconstrued takedown piece of anyone or anything. I’m divulging a rough moment in which I thought I was totally fucked(pardon my French), and what happened from there. That said, I walked home from my afternoon errands and reached for my phone. I check all my apps every twelve hours as a market begins or ends, to get a grasp of the trend that we are heading toward.

Scrolling through to my Burrow finance app, I got slammed by a wall not letting me access my account… much less my finances within it. Refresh. Same thing. Refresh again, same thing. After 20 tries I learned I wasn’t getting in, not that way. I finally got around to reading the warning my impatience disregarded, and was informed that despite my usage to that day, I was not allowed access due to legal barriers of national interest. Long story short, being American was in my way. Normally I’d do what I always do in these moments, and curse the gods once more. But I didn’t, I couldn’t; this L was too grand and the timing too inopportune to acquiesce to defeat and poverty. I took a few breaths while letting the mental image of myself commit seppuku about 30 times, and got back to work.

After four hours of digging and trial-n-error, accompanied by many stupid workaround ideas that I knew would yield zero, I came to a solution. I’m the type that turns to no one(actually no one, not the pseudonym) when things are tough, unless I’m certain I’m screwed then I seek out any port in a storm. After scouring Twitter and their very own Discord for any aid, I encountered one salvation that finally gave the ache behind my eyebrows a modicum of relief. It took about an extra half hour of playing with it to finally gain ground on what I needed it to do, but I wouldn’t be denied. That is what got me the peace of mind to sleep. Thank you so much to the NEAR community, but namely to the crew at Burrow. They labored expeditiously not only to help me when they could, but to foresee the way to fix my bug BEFORE it became an issue at all. They had the fix I needed, all that was left to do was locate it and implement. Thank you again guys.

I tend to be a screwup in earnest more occasionally than I’ll ever admit to. Tonight on the other hand I nailed it, mind you I did so in maybe a slower fashion than I should’ve. That being said, I know for a solid FACT I would not have slept a wink had I not figured a way to make my solution work. The ever present headache I have been silently contending with all day is proof that I would not have found any peace in further beating my body up by depriving it of sleep. I say that even now as the stroke of midnight approaches, and I’m writing the final paragraph of this first since I only knew how I wanted it to end, not begin. So now begins the process of actually writing the rest of this before bed; I have no doubt I’ll be fine, I was built for this after all…


Woodward Forest-Lich

